Monday, July 9, 2007

Communication Technologies

Communication is a medium through which we share information, our thoughts, views and ideas; and technology can be described as the tool, knowledge or skill that helps in facilitating the communication, making it easier and faster, cheaper and efficient. The medium of communication has completely changed with the rapid changes in technology. The world has become a small place, and sound seems to be traveling faster than light. The underlying factor that is triggering the face pace of the changing world is “communication technology”.

There are various types of communication technologies that we use in the 21st Century; rapid and reliable communications being the key factors contributing to corporate success. In today’s world we use a mix of both traditional as non-traditional forms of communication technologies.

The traditional forms of communication, is foremost personally, which includes face-to-face, talking, body language; then comes the press, like press releases in news papers, magazines etc.; telephone; television, such as news which is a source of communication that reaches to mass audience.

The latest forms of communication are more technology based. They include, cell phones; the World Wide Web (www), internet, emails, blogs, wiki, chats; wireless communication (Wi-Fi); fax; digital television, satellite television, radio broadcasting, video conferencing; blackberry and PDA; Podcasting (audio) and Vodcasting (video); and last but not the least, intranet.

Of the new technologies, internet is the one which has transformed social and business ways of communication drastically. Internet has improved the efficiency and effectiveness of communication by eliminating distant and time barriers. It is a medium that allows computer to share information worldwide in many areas such as business and education. It has strong impact on communication practices and will continue to be stronger as more and more people are subscribing to this communication channel.

Blog is like a journal which combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic which can be displayed in an attracting manner, and can be viewed by anyone. Today, where more than 90% of the population just googles any information they want, blogs give an excellent example for the same.

Blackberries are small handheld devices that combine the functions of cell phones and PDAs. There is no need for carrying a laptop if someone has a Blackberry.

Podcasting (audio) and Vodcasting (video): include audio and video files which are stored on a server. The user has to subscribe to the categories which are relevant to him and can download the files. Then, he can listen or watch the message. It is a convenient form of corporate communications. Headphones should be used by all employees who listen of watch these media files on their desks to avoid disturbing their neighbors.
Intranet: The organizations are making extensive use of private organization networks (VPN’s), using internet protocols, network connections to share information securely and communicate in a safe and secure mode.

The following articles show the importance of technology in communications:

Latest technologies in communication are imperative, and that we have got to know from the above mentioned articles also. During my internship at JJMI, I saw a lot of these latest technologies being used. I was in the main head office of J&J, which had all the three divisions, Consumers Products, Medical, and Pharma. In such a huge organization, with so many employees, it’s essential to have an advanced and fast communication network. The entire company was linked with intranet. Almost all the employees had blackberries as they had to go field jobs, and so to be updated with all the mails. Everyone was provided with a laptop, including me; and also given cell phones by the company itself so that each and every employee of the company is accessible whenever required.

In the end, I would conclude all this by saying that, wherever there is a technology, there is always a flaw.

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